

Local Referendum on the Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan

Local Referendum on the Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan

The Local Referendum on the Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan is now just days away– it’s Thursday 29th June.  We encourage all Saxmundham registered voters to exercise their democratic right to vote.

The polling stations (like for the recent local elections) will be at the Market Hall and the Fromus Centre (in Street Farm Road).  The poll is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.  The Referendum is run by the electoral services team at East Suffolk Council. 

By law, all Neighbourhood Plans, to come into effect, must be approved by local people through a local Referendum.

If a majority of those voting vote YES, the Neighbourhood Plan will come into effect. The formal question on the ballot paper is this:

“Do you want East Suffolk Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Saxmundham to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

You can find more information on the Neighbourhood Plan from 

And the Referendum version of the Neighbourhood Plan, with all of its policies,  can be downloaded from the East Suffolk Council website here:  

The Neighbourhood Plan includes policies on:

Parish wide: 

Design principles

SAX1: General design principles

Local economy

SAX2: Expansion of existing businesses

SAX3: New businesses

Community infrastructure

SAX4: New community facilities

Transport and movement

SAX5: Improving connectivity

SAX6: Public rights of way

SAX7: Parking provision


SAX8: Windfall and Infill development

SAX9: Tenure blind Housing Development

Heritage and natural environment

SAX10: Historic town centre and Conservation Area

SAX11: Non-designated Heritage Assets

SAX12: Gateways, views and landscape setting of Saxmundham

SAX13: Protection and enhancement of natural assets

SAX14: Community gardens and allotments

SAX15: Protection of existing Local Green Spaces

 Opportunity Zones: 

Saxmundham town centre

SAXTC1: Town centre overarching strategy

SAXSA1: Station area

SAXSFR: Development and environmental enhancement opportunities at Street Farm Road

SAXFS1: Fromus Square

Former Fromus Centre and Community Garden

SAXFC1: Former Fromus Centre site and Community Garden

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